48th Annual Delta Equine Seminar 2019 on Equine Lameness
22 oct., 2019 - 22 oct., 2019
48th Annual Delta Equine Seminar 2019 on Equine Lameness
Monday October 21 and Tuesday October 22, 2019
at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn, Delta, BC
Speaker: Dr. Sue Dyson, MA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, FRCVS
This 2-day seminar features Dr. Sue Dyson speaking for two full days about all things related to equine lameness diagnosis and therapy. What did we not know about lameness 20 years ago and we do know now!
12 hours CE
Location: Coast Tsawwassen Inn, Delta, BC 1665 56 St, Delta, BC V4L 2B2
Registration Fees: (including GST #851637603)
In Advance, by Friday, October 1, 2019 - $ 446.25 ($425 + 5% GST)
At The Door - $ 498.75 ($475 + 5% GST)
One Day Only - $ 341.25 ($325 + 5% GST)
For more information:
Website: www.deltaequineseminar.com
Email: deltaequineseminar@gmail.com
Dr. David Paton: 604-856-3351
Registration: 604-888-2323